Prosecution Manager™


Conflicts Module

Conflicts Module:

AppColl® Conflict Checking Module is designed to assist in identifying potential conflict of interest situations where doing the best thing for one client may harm another due to an adverse relationship between the two clients.

AppColl® provides a way to search information in all matters and contacts, including metadata such as adverse party relationships, keywords and technologies to find potential conflicts. Using this feature, you can identify situations like the following:
  • A potential new client working on subject matter associated with an existing client.
  • A potential new client that had been identified as a competitor of an existing client

Conflict Checking  Module Features:

MetaData Searching

Search your entire matter portfolio using metadata keywords. Include custom fields to drill down on all the specifics you need.

Contact Conflict View

Learn who in your company is working on specific clients, matters, types of matters and more.

Include & Exclude

Control how AppColl searches your portfolio using the “include” and “exclude” search capabilities.